
tisdag 26 juli 2011

Vad hoppades Breivik uppnå?

De primära målen i fas 1 (1999-2030):
We will launch information campaigns and create awareness by using any means necessary, including distribution of our messages by using lethal shock attacks against concentrations of class A and B traitors in a pan-European context. The primary goal of the shock attacks is not the immediate physical manifestation of the attack (destroying a few buildings, killing a few hundred traitors) but rather the indirect effects. Shock attacks will have the potency to penetrate the strict censorship regime of the cultural Marxists/multiculturalists. Any substantial shock attack will therefore have the potential to do massive ideological damage on the multicultural ideology (as the multicultural dream will become ever so distant) and its propagators in various ways;

- Education of the European peoples – people will be interested to know why buildings around them are falling down and will seek information themselves and/or learn what the media presents

- Moral effect/recruitment - encouraging thousands of brothers and sisters

- Creating important military and ideological reference points

- Increasing and developing the level of innovation/sophistication of methods applied

- Contribution to increase the acceptance level of new methods applied

- Discouraging our enemies which may lead to direct/indirect "defection", or fear/reservations against criticising right wingers etc.

- Contribution to force many Europeans out of their self-induced coma

- Many individuals (especially category A, B and C traitors who until now has just "gone with the flow") will re-evaluate the premises for their support to multiculturalism (destruction of
our European cultures) or at least the premises for allowing mass-Muslim immigration/the ongoing Islamisation and will re-consider if it is really worth the trouble

- Contribution for creating a broader acceptance for defending and support European culture without being target of EUSSR labelling techniques (bigot, fascist, Nazi, racist).

- Marketing the resistance movement

- Making moderate cultural conservatives more approachable, by the establishment, by broadening or expanding the very definition of extreme right wing axis etc.

- Many individuals (politically neutral) may start to have reservations against working in government buildings (near concentrations of category A or B traitors) which will help polarise the left and right.

Jag tycker att "Making moderate cultural conservatives more approachable, by the establishment, by broadening or expanding the very definition of extreme right wing axis etc." är speciellt intressant. Om jag förstår rätt så menar han alltså att han genom ett terroristdåd kan få mer moderat likasinnade (typ SverigeDemokraterna) att bli mer acceptabla eftersom de inte längre kan betraktas som extremister i jämförelse med Breivik själv. Undrar om det fungerar?

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