
måndag 25 juli 2011

Om de 9393

Jag tänkte posta några utdrag ur "2083 European Declaration of Independence" av Andrew Berwick, alltså den manual som den norska terroristen Anders Behring Breivik ska ha postat på nätet innan attentaten i Norge. Först om de 9393 svenskar som finns på dödslistan:

Category A traitor
- Political leaders (NGO leaders included)
- Media leaders (chief editors)
- Cultural leaders
- Industry leaders

Category A traitors are usually any current Heads of State, ministers/senators, directors and leaders of certain organisations/boards etc. who are guilty of charges 1-8. Category A traitors consist of the most influential and highest profile traitors.

10 per 1 million citizens.
Punishment: death penalty and expropriation of property/funds

Category B traitor
Category B traitors are cultural Marxist/multiculturalist politicians, primarily from the alliance of European political parties known as ‖the MA 100‖ (parties who support multiculturalism) and EU parliamentarians. They can be elected and non-elected parliamentarians, their advisors and any public and/or corporate servant who has been and still are indirectly or directly implicated in committing the following acts.

Category B traitors can also be individuals from various professional groups (but not limited to): journalists, editors, teachers, lecturers, university professors, various school/university board members, publicists, radio commentators, writers of fiction, cartoonists, and artists/celebrities etc. [...]

Punishment: death penalty and expropriation of property/funds. Punishment can be reduced under certain circumstances.

Number of Category A and B traitors on Western Europe
There are approximately 400 000 category A and B traitors in Western Europe using the current classification system (1010 per million).

France 65 650
Germany 82 820
United Kingdom 62 216
Netherlands 16 665
Belgium 10 807
Sweden 9393
Austria 7839
Norway 4848
Switzerland 498
Luxembourg 7777
Spain 47 167
Italy 60 600
Portugal 10 807
Denmark 5555
Ireland 6060
Greece 11 312
Finland 5353
Iceland 322
Cyprus 800
Malta 417

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